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The fine cotton sarees using 100sx 100s quality yarn were being produced by the skilled weavers of Manamedu area in Trichy District were famous for rich traditional Pettu borders woven with Art silk yarn having Mango Vinki diamond design motifs These sarees with short Pallows were produced in dark traditional colours suitable for old age womenNow with the changing scenario in the market trend these cotton sarees are produced with 80s warp and 100s as well as 2100smercerized cotton yarn as weft with the incorporation of tie amp dye Pettu borders attracting largechunk of customers These sarees are woven by the traditional weavers in Manamedu a tiny village near Musiri in Trichy District and hence the name of implies Manamedu cotton sareesThe uniqueness of the Manamedu cotton sarees is that the sarees are produced with rich fancy colours having borders ranging from simple plain Pettu and tie amp dye borders These sarees are so fascinated to wear by all age groups


  • Product Code: STHB

  • Viewed: 317
  • Availability: In Stock




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